Veteran's Group

St Michael the Archangel Veterans Group

Who we are:

We, the Veterans, and our families are coming together to serve those who are actively serving and those who have served in the past.  We will support by providing information and mentors.  By our actions as warriors, we will spread God’s love for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The St. Mel Veterans Group has annually held a Veterans Day Mass and breakfast and Memorial Day Mass and cup of Joe honoring those who have served, those who are currently serving, and those who are now deceased. A running list of Veterans, Active Duty, and Deceased Veterans is maintained and read at each of the commemorative Masses. 


 Please remember the only secure way to ask personal questions is at:


  • Move American Forward is a volunteer organization located in Sacramento that sends care packages to our military all over the globe. If you would like to have a care package sent to an active-duty military member the request-a-care package, click on the following link:


  • February 3rd – Four Chaplains Day. A day to remember the four U.S. Army chaplains who made the ultimate sacrifice when the USAT Dorchester sank during World War 11. For the story of the Four Chaplains click on the following link:
  • March 29, Vietnam Veterans Day
  • May 27, 2024, Memorial Day
  • November 11 Veterans Day