Saint Mel’s is a vibrant, singing parish with a rich history and tradition of service. Music is integral to our worship. Singers and instrumentalist are welcome to play skillfully and to serve joyfully! Many parishioners volunteer generously to create this rich ministry. Please consider joining the music ministry.
Contact Aaron Thompson (Director of Music Ministries) to get involved in the following:
Cantors are experienced singers who enjoy singing solo and with small ensembles and larger choirs. Cantors attend rehearsal and are prepared for liturgies throughout the year. Cantor’s should have basic music reading skills or a great ear! Cantors work with the Director of Music Ministry to prepare for upcoming liturgies. Cantors are scheduled based on individual availability.
Saint Mel’s music ministry welcomes a wide variety of instruments. Instrumentalists must play with skill and humility to support and enhance the human voice because the human voice is the primary instrument of the liturgical celebration.
Main Accompaniment instruments: Piano, Organ.
Traditional (Obligato) instruments: Woodwinds, Strings and Brass. Play specific parts, intros and improvisational melodies as needed. Formal training and fluency with your instrument is required.
Rhythm Instruments: Guitar, Bass, and percussion. Whether you had formal training, or learned informally, we can use your gifts. Be prepared to have fun. Be prepared to learn and share.
All instrumentalists are required to attend regular rehearsals. The instrumentalists will practice twice a month and on occasion join the singers in rehearsal. Please consider using your gift as an instrumentalist. Contact Aaron Thompson, Music Director.
Choirs: Contemporary, Children’s, Traditional and Men’s
All are indeed welcome! Just as there is One Holy Catholic Church, there is also one choir/music ministry at Saint Mel’s Catholic Church. This music ministry is sent out into different ensembles: Men’s choir, Contemporary choir, Youth Choir and Traditional Choir. These groups may sing at different mass times and through varying styles of music, but we are one ministry and one choir in Christ. Adult choirs come together visibly as one choir at the Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday (10:00 a.m.), Christmas Eve (midnight) and Christmas day (10:00 a.m.).
The Adult choir rehearsal schedule will be announced after the arrival of the new music director. All vocalists will typically have one rehearsal night and instrumentalists another rehearsal night. Youth choir will rehearse separately once a month and sing once a month. Our first gatherings (July/August) will be prayerful, social and informal. If you are considering joining the music ministry, please join us on those evenings. Bring a dish and a funny story! We will announce the dates via the bulletin.
Contact Aaron Thompson, Music Director: